Thursday, November 7, 2013

Word Play Final Product

This is my final product for the Word Play Assignment. All I ended up changing was adding a climber. He really completes the piece. His red jacket makes such a nice contrast with the colors. Additionally, the fact that the rest of the composition is very illustrated and graphic with outlines contrasts very well with the realistic live-traced climber. It looks very imaginative and humorous having a naturalistic climber in this fanciful setting. I'm pleased with the outcome. 

As a reminder, here is what the piece looked like as a sketch and as an illustration before the climber was added.

And here is what the climber looks like. (

Here is what the climber looks like once he has been live traced. I simply scaled him to a smaller size and flipped him horizontally and rotated him a bit to fit him into my composition. 

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