Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Wall Street Journal Project: Harry Campbell

Our latest project in Illustrator is to take an illustration from The Wall Street Journal and to attempt to recreate the illustration. The illustration I picked is this one by Harry Campbell.

Harry Campbell is an artist from Baltimore, MD, who focuses on illustration, graphic design, and editorial design. He also has delved some into screen printing. He creates illustrations for many different things, including art for editorials and The Wall Street Journal. He uses lots of outlines, bold flat planes of color, and creates the illusion of perspective with his lines and differing colors. His work is graphic, and not very naturalistic. He's most comfortable with "architectural right angled imagery" but is discovering how to work with more organic forms within the confines of vector art (http://drawger.com/hwc/?). His work lends itself well to imitation on Illustrator. Here are a few examples of his work.



I've noticed that Campbell really seems to enjoy illustrating hands reaching into or interacting with his illustrations.

Here is the link to his personal website: http://www.harrycampbell.net/

Here is the link to his Behance page: http://www.behance.net/harrycampbell

Here is the link to his Drawger website: http://drawger.com/hwc/?cat_id=244;

Here is the progress that I made on the illustration last Thursday.

I am recreating it in my own more loose and organic style, but maintaining the forms and colors. I'm using a wacom tablet and drawing everything by hand using mostly blob brush.

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