Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Research on Dog Treat Packaging

Here is some research that I've done on dog treat packaging. These are some of the most interesting designs that have stuck out to me.


"Healthy Dogma: amazing apple crisps" really stuck out to me because of their unique packaging design. Rather than being a pouch or a box the treats are in a lidded cup. It also caught my eye because of the bright yellow, green, red, and blue colors that really pop and the cute very cartoonish dog. 


These Orijen dog treats stuck out to me for their sophisticated design. They seem like dog treats that someone very outdoorsy would buy for an older, weathered dog. I just get that vibe from the darker, more muted colors, the black and white photography of animals and the clean font. I probably won't be going in this direction, but it's important because it shows how important font and colors are for getting your idea across. 


I love the name Pretty Please for these dog treats. I also like the repeated pattern on the sides of the pouch. They seem almost like a vintage or hipster looking design. They caught my eye because they're quite different from most treat packages. 


These Sojos treat packages were my favorite ones that I found. They're just too cute with their bright popping color and bold side patterns. I like how each flavor has a different color but the packaging design remains constant. I think I want to maybe go in this sort of direction. A fun and playful look that is still clean and sophisticated. 

1 comment:

  1. i love the Sojo packages do you sell or make them? I would love some idea or help with my business.
